

plenary 全体会议 全体,绝对的

ephemeral 短暂的

gigantic monolithic That monolithic function lacks readability

reinforce 加强

back and forth


Closing thoughts 结论

at some point 某一时刻。这个词我都不记得了。。。

this address could be retrieved via DNS

active主动的 passive被动的

But the benefits out weights the costs. 利大于弊

even more so 更应该。说完一大堆,说个递进例子,even more so

alluring 诱人

cognitive 认知 When a Pull Request is long it is a cognitive load for the reviewer

After a few discussions to and fro I thought it might serve him and me best if I could pen my thoughts.

to and fro


get to 开始接触到

just recording its presence 只是记录他的存在

elide 省略

mechanisms 机制

The following is a list of interesting uses for signals that I’ve stumbled upon in my work and google searches.

stumble upon 偶然发现


tuple 他剖 元祖

sociopath 反社会

subsume 妥协

bojack horseman S5

watch your six 注意身后 六点钟方向

chicks dig TK (they love it)

it’s tacky, dont do that

How I Meet You Mom

we met at the urinal,

suits are cool, exhibitive

maybe eventualy

why am i freaking out all of a sudden

i’m going to spin that good

pretentious 自命不凡 读成per


lingered 流连忘返

shape up 好自为之

spill it! 讲清楚


this recession is killing us 经济衰退

liability 祸害


stilted 做作

cologne It’s intoxicateing 令人心生荡漾

she’s pretentious snob

graduation goggles

if you end an argument with a rhyme, it’s convincing all the time

seriously , dont giggle

support my hypothesis, Ted

i’m just jubilant my former paramour’s jubilant

what’s his ‘but’

i really thought i nailed the pitch

run it through the meat grinder grainder

verbose 啰嗦

pedantic 学究气

port porting 移植

one-trick pony 只有一技之长的人

relying on 依靠

slew n大量 /slay过去式

reluctant 不情愿

mandatory 强制

introducing 介绍->引入

in place to 目的

is bound to 势必要,一定会

all of a sudden 突然

getting behind 支持支撑,换成进行时认不出来了我擦

compound 混合调和使问题严重

at stake 危险

at best 顶多

but my experience has been that only a handful are ever needed, no matter how large a project gets.


Sherlock: Meretricious.

Lestrade: and a happy new year!



born to roam !


seizure 中风




parentheses 括号


have implemented this capability.


Prompting Messages

absinthe 苦艾酒

projecting 想象/意淫 ludicrous

pipe down

meditating 冥想

upper monitor

coefficients 系数

wild card 外卡,通配符,未知数 未知/不定的情况,意外

procedural design

requirements analysis

elapsed 剩余

dynamite 炸药

young urban women well phrased

broken feature

explicit implicit unwinding

amortized 分期摊还

deprecated 不鼓励的,不赞成的,废弃的 不用了

A triad, meaning a “group of three” 三合会

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