
Avoiding instruction cache misses

针对流程来做优化方案,编译器也有对应的支持,代码标注,[[likely]] [[unlikely]] [[cold]] [[hot]],还有inline之类的。讲的范范,简单了解

Deadlock prevention algorithms

PacificA 微软设计的分布式存储框架

How we implemented Distributed Multi-document ACID Transactions in Couchbase


Mysql 通讯协议




定长整型值其实就是将一个数值编码存放到适当个数的字节中,主要有 int<1>、int<2>、int<3>、int<4>、int<6>、int<8>。 分别对应 1、2、3、4、6、8 个字节长度的整型数值。这些整型值都采用小端字节序来存储。例如:一个值为 1 int<3> 的整数值, 它的编码: 01 00 00。协议包头的 payload length 就是一个 int<3> 的整型值。

带长度编码的整型值,通常使用 1、3、4、9 个字节来存储数据,它会根据数字的大小选择合适的字节数来编码存储。 一般用在数据字段,例如,查询返回的结果集合,集合中的每一行数据就是按照该方式编/解码。 它的编码规则如下:

  1. 如果值 < 251,则使用一个字节来存储;
  2. 如果值 ≥ 251 and < (2^16), 则使用 0xfc + 2-byte 来存储(3 字节);
  3. 如果值 ≥ (2^16) and < (2^24), 则使用 0xfd + 3-byte 来存储(4 字节);
  4. 如果值 ≥ (2^24) and < (2^64), 则使用 0xfe + 8-byte 来存储(9 字节);

如果数据包的第一个字节是长度编码整数,其字节值为 0xfe,则必须检查数据包的长度,以验证它是否有足够的空间容纳 8 字节整数。 如果不是,它可能是一个 EOF_packet。payload 的第一个字节的意义是依赖于上下文的。




  • 定长字符串 string<fix>,类似 C 语言中的字符数组 char str[10];
  • 以 NULL 结束的字符串 string<NUL>,类似 C 语言中的字符串 char *pstr = "hello";
  • 变长字符串 string<var>,类似 C 语言的变长数组 int num=10; char str[num];
  • 带长度编码的字符串,编码方式与带长度编码的整数一样(许多序列化库都是采用这种方式,例如:msgpack)
  • 剩余字符串 string<EOF>

前面 4 种编码都比较好理解,第 5 种字符串编码可能会有些迷惑,其实也很简单, 如果字符串是数据包(playload)的最后一部分,则可以从总数据包长度减去当前位置来计算其长度。 它符合下面的公式:

字符串长度 = playload 长度 - payload 当前偏移

参考资料 https://dev.mysql.com/doc/internals/en/client-server-protocol.html


Enforcing Signatures On Templated Callbacks


Pin and suffering

手把手教你写async rust

Deadlock prevention algorithms

建议直接看<事务处理概念与技术>这本书,这个博客就是介绍几种死锁处理手段 wait-die/Wound-wait/Immediate restart/Running priority

4.1 等待-死亡方案(Wait-die Scheme)

该方案是基于非剥夺方法。当进程Pi请求的资源正被进程Pj占有时,只有当Pi的时间戳比进程Pj的时间戳小时,即Pi比Pj老时,Pi才能等待。否则Pi被卷回(roll-back),即死亡。一个进程死亡后会释放他所占用的所有资源。在这里假定死亡的进程将带着同样的时间戳重新运行。由于具有较小时间戳的进程才等待具有较大时间戳的进程,因此很显然死锁不会发生。当进程在等待特定的资源时,不会释放资源。一旦一个进程释放一个资源,与这个资源相联系的等待队列中的一个进程将被激活。 4.2 伤害-等待方案(Wound-wait Scheme)

它是一种基于剥夺的方法。当进程Pi请求的资源正被进程Pj占有时,只有当进程Pi的时间戳比进程Pj的时间戳大时,即Pi比Pj年轻时,Pi才能等待。否则Pj被卷回(roll-back),即死亡。只要被卷回的进程重新启动时,使用原有的时间戳,这两种方案都能避免死锁和饿死现象。由于时间戳总是增加的,被卷回的进程最终将具有最小的时间戳。 ———————————————— 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「辗转盘山」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/wxl612/article/details/53008579

Examining Problematic Memory in C/C++ Applications with BPF, perf, and Memcheck


valgrind --leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --xtree-memory=full --xtree-memory-file=leaks.kcg ./LoopLeak.out
# callgrind_annotate
callgrind_annotate leaks.kcg leak.c






Question Tool Answer
How much memory is currently free/used? free -m At the time of execution, there was some memory left. However, sar -r reveals continuous drops of available memory – soon to cross into swap space.
How was/is memory used? sar -r Continuous decrease of available memory.
How much memory is each process using? top -o %MEM XOREncryptor hogs the majority of available memory.
How much of our swap space is used? sar -S sar -S shows a continuous increase of swap space capacity. This is an indication that the system has run out of available memory and is forced to page out memory to swap space.
How much memory is swapped in/out? vmstat vmstat shows increases of virtual memory, and that a single process is forcing the system to swap pages to disk. The report also shows signs of thrashing.
How many page faults is the system encountering per second? sar -B Running sar -B for an extended period of time shows the increase of memory reclaims, page outs to disk, and general hardship in keeping up to the memory demand.
Were any processes killed by the out-of-memory manager? dmesg XOREncryptor was eventually killed by the OOM killer.


What Why Memory Event
Heap expansion Capturing a stack trace that led up to heap expansion would reveal why the heap was expanded. brk()
Large allocations Larger allocations are often contracted to mmap as opposed to malloc() for efficiency reasons. Tracing mmap() would reveal events that led up to large allocations. mmap()
Major & minor page faults Often cheaper to trace than malloc(), and would give us an idea as to why page faults are triggered so frequently in the workload application. page-faults, major-page-faults


# perf stat -e syscalls:sys_enter_brk -I 1000 -a
1.000122133                  3      syscalls:sys_enter_brk                                      
2.000984485                  0      syscalls:sys_enter_brk
# perf record -e syscalls:sys_enter_brk -a -g -- sleep 30
# perf script > out.stacks
./stackcollapse-perf.pl < out.stacks | ./flamegraph.pl --color=mem  --title="Heap Expansion Flame Graph" --countname="calls" > out.svg


# bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_brk { @[ustack, comm] = count(); }' > out.stacks
 # ./stackcollapse-bpftrace.pl < out.stacks | ./flamegraph.pl --color=mem --title="Heap Expansion Flame Graph" --countname="calls" > out.svg


# perf record -e syscalls:sys_enter_mmap -a -g -- sleep 30
 # perf script > out.stacks
 # ./stackcollapse-perf.pl < out.stacks | ./flamegraph.pl --color=mem \ --title="mmap() Flame Graph" --countname="calls" > out.svg 


 # /usr/share/bcc/tools/stackcount -f -PU t:syscalls:sys_enter_mmap > out.stacks
 # ./flamegraph.pl --hash --color=mem \ --title="mmap() Flame Graph" --countname="calls" < out.stacks > out.svg 


# bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_mmap { @[ustack, comm] = count(); }'
 # ./stackcollapse-bpftrace.pl < out.stacks | ./flamegraph.pl --color=mem --title="mmap() Flame Graph" --countname="calls" > out.svg 

用perf抓page fault

# perf record -e page-faults -a -g -- sleep 30
# perf script > out.stacks
# ./stackcollapse-perf.pl < out.stacks | ./flamegraph.pl --color=mem \ --title="Page Faults" --countname="pages" > out.svg

用bcc抓page fault

# /usr/share/bcc/tools/stackcount -f -PU t:exceptions:page_fault_user > out.stacks
# ./flamegraph.pl --hash --color=mem \ --title="Page Faults" --countname="pages" < out.stacks > out.svg

用bfptrace抓page fault

# bpftrace -e 'tracepoint:exceptions:page_fault_user { @[ustack, comm] = count(); }' > out.stacks
# ./stackcollapse-bpftrace.pl < out.stacks | ./flamegraph.pl --color=mem --title="Page Faults" --countname="pages" > out.svg

Finding Bytes in Arrays

做了个benchmark,讨论解析bison如何判断结尾以及哪种方法最快,条件判断/去掉条件判断的branch-free方法/向量化,结果是向量化吞吐最高, 分支判断最慢

Shrinking BSON Documents

一个bson,用于保存属性名字的空间占用非常多(属性名字经常重复) ,给了几个压缩方案,以及结果对比

  • Shrinking Attributes 直接把字段名字改成单个字符,省了一点
  • Normalisation 重复字段提升到上一层 省了一点
  • Inverted Tags Index将tag抽象成bitmap
  • 上面的index bitmap改成Binary Tag Format
  • Factorisation 把其他字段也类似的用数组抽象起来
  • Binary Values Array 把值数组直接改成binary
  • 和第一点结合,改成短字符,省了一点
