

The malloc function could either be thread-safe or thread-unsafe. Both are not reentrant:

  1. Malloc operates on a global heap, and it’s possible that two different invocations of malloc that happen at the same time, return the same memory block. (The 2nd malloc call should happen before an address of the chunk is fetched, but the chunk is not marked as unavailable). This violates the postcondition of malloc, so this implementation would not be re-entrant.

  2. To prevent this effect, a thread-safe implementation of malloc would use lock-based synchronization. However, if malloc is called from signal handler, the following situation may happen:

    malloc();            //initial call
      lock(memory_lock); //acquire lock inside malloc implementation
    signal_handler();    //interrupt and process signal
    malloc();            //call malloc() inside signal handler
      lock(memory_lock); //try to acquire lock in malloc implementation
      // DEADLOCK!  We wait for release of memory_lock, but 
      // it won't be released because the original malloc call is interrupted

    This situation won’t happen when malloc is simply called from different threads. Indeed, the reentrancy concept goes beyond thread-safety and also requires functions to work properly even if one of its invocation never terminates. That’s basically the reasoning why any function with locks would be not re-entrant.

procps-ng 是探测/proc 的一系列软件,像top,ps之类的

top 代码在这里 https://gitlab.com/procps-ng/procps/-/blob/0bf15c004db6a3342703a3c420a5692e376c457d/top/top.c

这个patch就是典型的malloc重入bug https://gitlab.com/procps-ng/procps/-/commit/0bf15c004db6a3342703a3c420a5692e376c457d


       fputs(str, stderr);
-   if (Batch) fputs("\n", stdout);
+   if (Batch) {
+      write(fileno(stdout), "\n", sizeof("\n"));
 } // end: bye_bye



  • https://murphypei.github.io/blog/2019/07/thread-safe-reentrant-function


  • 函数体内使用了静态的数据结构
  • 通过 malloc 和 free 来申请和释放内存,因为 malloc 是通过全局链表来管理堆的
  • 调用了标准 I/O 库,因为库里存在大多数都是以不可重入的方式使用全局变量或者是静态变量