

totally_safe_transmute, line-by-line



enum E<SrcTy, DstTy> {
    #[allow(dead_code)] U(DstTy),


struct E {
  int discriminant;
  union {
    SrcTy T;
    DstTy U;
  } data;

这样,通过修改discriminant来读union,safe union的做法


    let mut f = fs::OpenOptions::new()

    f.seek(io::SeekFrom::Start(&v as *const _ as u64)).expect("oof");


这一切值得吗?代码在这里 https://github.com/ben0x539/totally-safe-transmute/blob/e49ca4ea514b8d996a01f04697ccdd5940300312/src/lib.rs

How to implement a hash table (in C)


Staying out of TTL hell


  • 永不过期
  • Update-on-write/Invalidate-on-write
  • 名字空间区分
  • HTTP - and PUSH and PURGE 依赖中间件

GCC’s assembler syntax

是否好奇嵌入c++中的汇编的语法是啥意思,比如asm("lfence" ::: "memory"); 为什么三个冒号,很让人费解


	asm <optional stuff> (
	    "assembler template"
	    : outputs
	    : inputs
	    : clobbers
	    : labels)
    asm("movq %0, %0" : "+rm" (foo));
    asm("addl %0, %1" : "+r" (foo) : "g" (bar));
    asm("lfence" : /* no output */ : /* no input */ : "memory");

%N 可以指代参数,从0开始



	       "constraint" (expression)
	[Name] "constraint" (expression)


  • r specifies that the operand must be a general-purpose register 必须是寄存器
  • m specifies that the operand must be a memory address 表示内存地址
  • i specifies that the operand must be an integer constant 数字
  • g specifies that the operand must be a general-purpose register, or a memory address, or an integer constant (effectively the same as “rmi”) 上面三个的综合


	int x = 3;
	asm("int %0" :: "i" (x) : "memory");
	// [godbolt] produces "int 3" at -O1 and above; https://godbolt.org/z/2qoisc
	// [godbolt] errors out at -O0 https://godbolt.org/z/QfsBV2


  • + means that the output is actually a read-write value. The operand initially has the value contained by the expression. It’s fine to read from this output operand at any point in the assembly string.
  • =& means that the output is an early-clobber output. Its initial value is unspecified. It is not a bug to read from an =& operand once it has been assigned a value.
  • = means that the output is write-only. The compiler can choose to give an = output the same location as an input: for that reason, it is usually a bug to write to it before the last instruction of your assembly snippet.
  • =@cc*COND* is a special case of = that allows you to query the result of a condition code at the end of your assembly statement. You cannot reference a condition output in your assembly template.

Clobbers are the list of writable locations that the assembly code might have modified, and which have not been specified in outputs. These can be:

  • Register names (on x86, both register and %register are accepted, such as rax or %rax)
  • The special name cc, which specifies that the assembly altered condition flags. On platforms that keep multiple sets of condition flags as separate registers, it’s also possible to name indvidual registers: for instance, on PowerPC, you can specify that you clobber cr0.
  • The special name memory, which specifies that the assembly wrote to memory that is not explicitly referenced by an output (for instance, by dereferencing an input pointer). A memory clobber prevents the compiler from reordering memory operations across the asm statement (although it does not prevent the processor from doing it: you need to use an actual memory fence to achieve this).


	// https://godbolt.org/z/XaCgSe
	int add_overflows(long lhs, long rhs) {
	    asm goto(
	        "movq %%rax, %[left]\n  "
	        "addq %[right], %%rax\n  "
	        "jo %2"
	        : // can't have outputs
	        : [left] "g" (lhs), [right] "g" (rhs)
	        : "rax"
	        : on_overflow);
	    return 0; // no overflow
	    on_overflow: return 1; // had an overflow


// https://godbolt.org/z/x1hytr
int do_write(int fp, void* ptr, size_t size) {
		int rax = SYS_write;
		asm volatile(
		    : "+a"(rax)
		    : "D" (fp), "S" (ptr), "d" (size)
		    : "rcx", "r11");
		return rax;

Getting an Unmangled Type Name at Compile Time


// This file is a "Hello, world!" in C++ language by GCC for wandbox.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <array>   // std::array
#include <utility> // std::index_sequence

template <std::size_t...Idxs>
constexpr auto substring_as_array(std::string_view str, std::index_sequence<Idxs...>)
  return std::array{str[Idxs]..., '\n'};

template <typename T>
constexpr auto type_name_array()
#if defined(__clang__)
  constexpr auto prefix   = std::string_view{"[T = "};
  constexpr auto suffix   = std::string_view{"]"};
  constexpr auto function = std::string_view{__PRETTY_FUNCTION__};
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
  constexpr auto prefix   = std::string_view{"with T = "};
  constexpr auto suffix   = std::string_view{"]"};
  constexpr auto function = std::string_view{__PRETTY_FUNCTION__};
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
  constexpr auto prefix   = std::string_view{"type_name_array<"};
  constexpr auto suffix   = std::string_view{">(void)"};
  constexpr auto function = std::string_view{__FUNCSIG__};
# error Unsupported compiler

  constexpr auto start = function.find(prefix) + prefix.size();
  constexpr auto end = function.rfind(suffix);

  static_assert(start < end);

  constexpr auto name = function.substr(start, (end - start));
  return substring_as_array(name, std::make_index_sequence<name.size()>{});

template <typename T>
struct type_name_holder {
  static inline constexpr auto value = type_name_array<T>();

template <typename T>
constexpr auto type_name() -> std::string_view
  constexpr auto& value = type_name_holder<T>::value;
  return std::string_view{value.data(), value.size()};

int main()
    std::cout << type_name<std::vector<int>>() << std::endl;
