
std::any不是替代void*的产物,但是在某些场景下确实是更安全的替代品,并且 std::any也是构建在void*之上的

实际上就是记住类型信息的void* (type-aware void *)

struct any {
 void* object;
 type_info tinfo;


而且 std::any还要做small object optimization, SOO (也叫SBO, small buffer optimization), 如果存个int/double指针只有两三个,不需要堆分配,直接SBO


std::any a = std::string("Hello");

//value cast creates a copy
std::cout << std::any_cast<std::string>(a) << "\n"; //Hello

//reference cast
std::any_cast<std::string&>(a)[0] = 'h'; //cast as reference and change

//value is changed to "hello" now

//cast as const reference and print
std::cout << std::any_cast<const std::string&>(a) << "\n"; //hello

//  --- prints "Wrong Type!" below ---
try {
 std::cout << std::any_cast<double>(a) << "\n";
}catch(const std::bad_any_cast&) {
 std::cout << "Wrong Type!\n";

//Pointer cast example
//    ---     prints "hello" below   ---
if(auto* ptr = std::any_cast<std::string>(&a)) {
 std::cout << *ptr << "\n";
} else {
 std::cout << "Wrong Type!\n";

//move example
auto str = std::any_cast<std::string&&>(std::move(a));

//std::string in 'a' is moved
std::cout << str << "\n"; //hello

//string in 'a' is moved but it is not destroyed
//therefore 'a' is not empty.
std::cout << std::boolalpha << a.has_value() <<  "\n"; //true

//but should print ""
std::cout << std::any_cast<std::string>(a) << "\n"; //should be ""


假设我们要实现一个带TTL的cache, key是string,值可以是任意

class TTLCache {

 //Initializes with a given ttl (in seconds)
 TTLCache(uint32_t ttl):ttlSeconds(ttl){}

 //Adds an item to the cache along with the current timestamp
 bool add(const std::string& key, const std::any& value);

 //Gets a value from cache if exists
 // - otherwise returns empty std::any
 std::any get(const std::string& key);

 //Erases an item for a given key if exists
 void erase(const std::string& key);

 // Fires periodically in a separate thread and erases the items
 //  - from cache that are older than the ttlSeconds
 void onTimer();

 //...more interfaces...


 //Values stored along with timestamp
 struct Item {
  time_t timestamp;
  std::any value;

 //Expire time (ttl) of items in seconds
 uint32_t ttlSeconds;

 //Items are stored against keys along with timestamp
 std::unordered_map<std::string, Item> items;


void *的一个典型应用场景

网络传输数据,user data,用void *表达任意二进制/字符串/协议数据

//Clients send requests to servers
struct Request {
 /*..Request fields..*/

 //User data can be set by clients
 void* userData;

//When a response comes to the client, it has
// - same user data that was attached to the Request
struct Response {
 /*..Response fields..*/

 //User data copied from Request
 void* userData;

void sendRequest() {
 Request req;
 //Prepare request
 req.userData = new std::string("state data"); //Attach user data
 //Send request to server...

//Process response 
void processResponse(Response& res) {
 auto state = (std::string*)(res.userData); //cast not type-safe
 //Process response using state data....
 delete state;  // delete state




//--- Suppose userData is std::any ---

void sendRequest() {
 Request req;
 req.userData = std::string("state data"); //attach user data
 //send request to server

void processResponse(Response& res) {
 auto& state = std::any_cast<std::string&>(res.userData); //throws if type does not match
 //Process response using state data....
 //No need to explicitly delete the user data.


这种user data之前有一种解决方案,std::shared_ptr<void> 这里有文章介绍, 简单说,就是利用shared_ptr构造的时候会记录类型,保证析构

译者注: 之前比较无知还反驳过同事不能这么用

std::shared_ptr<void> vps = std::make_shared<std::string>(); //OK 
vps.reset();  //Appropriate destructor is called

auto sps = std::static_pointer_cast<std::string>(vps); //OK with typecast
//sps is std::shared_ptr<std::string>

针对user data场景,直接把userdata类型换成shared_ptr<void>就行了

缺点在于用不上SBO优化,也有多余的记录开销,也没有移动内部对象的能力, 如果用不上c++17,临时用用也可以,最佳方案还是这个std::any