Algebraic Data Types

指 pair tuple (product type)(结构体) optional variant(sum type) (有index信息)


pair tuple 多种信息

  • std::in_place/std::piecewise_construct
  • forward_as_tuple
  • std::tie
    • 用std::tie来实现比较
  • 结构化绑定
  • 公共接口还是定义一个类/结构体吧,丢失了名字信息,很可惜


optional 默认值, 没有值 对于指针场景,没有堆使用。优雅

std::unique_ptr<ComplicatedObject> obj_ = nullptr;
void setComplicated(int a, int b) {
	obj_ = std::make_unique<ComplicatedObject>(a, b);

std::optional<ComplicatedObject> obj_ = std::nullopt;
void setComplicated(int a, int b) {
	obj_.emplace(a, b);
  • std::optional<int> o = std::nullopt
  • value_or方法,非常优雅,省一个if
    • 必须是constexpr的,不然or不了
  • Setter, 用(std::optional) const std::optional<T\>&会拿到个临时对象?

variant 优雅的union

index方法 返回下表

std::get可以 通过index和类型来访问 类似的std::get_if


poor man’s Expected<T>.

std::variant<std::string, std::errc> vGetenv(const char *name);
if (auto v = vGetenv("foo"); std::get_if<std::string>(&v)) {
	const auto& value = std::get<std::string>(v);
	std::cout << "Value is: " << value << "\n";
} else {
	std::error_condition error = std::get<std::errc>(v);
	std::cout << "Error was: " << error.message() << "\n";

Class Layout

  • 静态变量,非虚成员函数,静态成员函数,类型成员不会影响类的存储布局

  • 空基类,[[no_unique_address]]修饰,强制指定不占用空间

    • 空基类优化暂且不提,因为依赖编译器是否做优化。
  • 比较,auto operator <=>(const Flatland &) const = default;

    • 别默认内存布局memcmp,可能会失败(什么时候会失败????)
  • POD,以及pack

    • is_standard_layout_v
    class NarrowLand {
        unsigned char x;       // offset 0
        unsigned long long y;  // offset 8 (still!)
        unsigned long long z;  // offset 16
        friend bool operator ==(NarrowLand const &lhs, NarrowLand const &rhs);
    bool operator ==(NarrowLand const &lhs, NarrowLand const &rhs) {
    	if constexpr (has_unique_object_representations_v<NarrowLand>)
    		return !memcmp(&lhs, &rhs, sizeof(NarrowLand));
    		return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y && lhs.z == rhs.z;
  • vptr

    • dynamic_cast 开销大 static_cast有偏移
  • 介绍了一波实现。太累了。不看了。这段东西看着就头疼


What is a data race and how do we fix it?

  • The hardware can reorder accesses 指令重排
  • ABA
    • busy-wait aka spinning
    • std::mutex
      • exception-safety? RAII
  • condition_variable for “wait until” 生产消费
    • produce/consume happen only once, consider std::promise/std::future 实际上内部也是mutex+cv
struct TokenPool {
	std::vector<Token> tokens_;
	std::mutex mtx_;
	std::condition_variable cv_;
	void returnToken(Token t) {
		std::unique_lock lk(mtx_);
	Token getToken() {
		std::unique_lock lk(mtx_);
		while (tokens_.empty()) {
		Token t = std::move(tokens_.back());
		return t;

Static initialization and once_flag 多线程的初始化

class Logger {
	std::mutex mtx_;
	std::optional<NetworkConnection> conn_;
	NetworkConnection& getConn() {
		std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mtx_);
		if (!conn_.has_value()) {
			conn_ = NetworkConnection(defaultHost);
		return *conn_;

class Logger {
	std::once_flag once_;
	std::optional<NetworkConnection> conn_;
	NetworkConnection& getConn() {
		std::call_once(once_, []() {
			conn_ = NetworkConnection(defaultHost);
		return *conn_;
mutex condition_variable once_flag
lock blocks only if someone “owns” the mutex. wait always blocks. call_once blocks only if the “done” flag isn’t yet set.
Many threads can queue up on lock. Many threads can queue up on wait. Many threads can queue up on call_once.
Calling unlock unblocks exactly one waiter: the new “owner.” Calling notify_one unblocks exactly one waiter. Failing at the callback unblocks exactly one waiter: the new “owner.”
  Calling notify_all unblocks all waiters. Succeeding at the callback unblocks all waiters and sets the “done” flag.

New C++17 and C++20 primitives

  • shared_mutex
  • counting_semaphore
using Sem = std::counting_semaphore<256>;
struct SemReleaser {
	bool operator()(Sem *s) const { s->release(); }
class AnonymousTokenPool {
	Sem sem_{100};
	using Token = std::unique_ptr<Sem, SemReleaser>;
	Token borrowToken() {
		sem_.acquire(); // may block
		return Token(&sem_);
  • std::latch
  • std::barrier<>


Patterns for sharing data

  • Remember: Protect shared data with a mutex.
    • You must protect every access, both reads and writes, to avoid UB.
    • Maybe use a reader-writer lock (std::shared_mutex) for perf.
  • Remember: Producer/consumer? Use mutex + condition_variable.

  • Best of all, though: Avoid sharing mutable data between threads.
    • Make the data immutable.
    • Clone a “working copy” for yourself, mutate that copy, and then quickly “merge” your changes back into the original when you’re done

In conclusion

  • Unprotected data races are UB
    • Use std::mutex to protect all accesses (both reads and writes)
  • Thread-safe static initialization is your friend
    • Use std::once_flag only when the initializee is non-static
  • mutex + condition_variable are best friends

  • C++20 gives us “counting” primitives like semaphore and latch

  • But if your program is fundamentally multithreaded, look for higher-level facilities: promise/future, coroutines, ASIO, TBB

  • std::atomic_ref<T>
  • std::jthread


  • 异常带来的开销大于错误的影响
    • 解决方案 std::expected<T, E>
  • 异常使得函数难以理解
  • 异常依赖动态库
  • 异常加大二进制大小
  • 什么时候使用/不用异常
    • 不经常发生的错误
      • 经常出错,出错属于正常场景,别用
    • 异常不能处理的场景
      • IO错误
    • 构造函数等等不应该出错的场景
      • 引用空指针,越界等等应该保证不出错
  • 异常安全保证
      • All functions should at least provide the basic exception safety guarantee, if possible and reasonable the strong guarantee.
      • Consider the no-throw guarantee, but only provide it if you can guarantee it even for possible future changes.
    • 基本的异常安全保证
      • 没有资源泄漏
      • Invariants are preserved ?
    • 强异常安全保证
      • Invariants are preserved
      • 没有资源泄漏
      • 状态未改变 commit-or-rollback
    • 不抛异常
      • 操作不能失败
      • noexcept
  • RAII RAII*is the single most important idiom of the C++ programming language. Use it!
  • 不能失败
  • 析构函数
    • stack unwinding
    • 失败就terminate了
    • 默认noexcept
    • 清理必须安全
  • move 操作符
    • Core Guideline C.66: Make move operations noexcept
  • swap操作符,由基本的操作实现,不会失败

Lambda Expressions


[capture clause] <template parameters\> (parameter list)
specifier exception attribute -> return type requires { body }
  • specifier
    • mutable
    • constexpr(能推导出来,所以这个非必须)
    • consteval
  • exception
    • noexcept
    • throw 别用
  • requires
    • capture clause
    • template parameters
    • arguments passed in the parameter list
    • anything which can be checked at compile time
  • capture std::unique_ptr
std::unique_ptr<Widget> myPtr = std::make_unique<Widget>();
auto myLamb = [ capturedPtr = std::move(myPtr) ] ( )
{ return capturedPtr->computeSize(); };

Move Semantics


  • No rvalue reference as function return type
int&& func() { return 42; }
void test() {
	int a = func();//返回之前已经销毁


template <class T>
constexpr remove_reference_t<T>&& move(T&& t) noexcept
	return static_cast<remove_reference_t<T>&&>(t);
  • Next operation after std::move is destruction or assignment move完只能销毁或者重新赋值,其他操作会引入问题
  • Don’t std::move the return of a local variable 别move返回值

move ctor

  • Move constructor / assignment should be explicitly noexcept
  • Use t =default when possible
  • Moved-from object must be left in a valid state
  • Make move assignment safe for self-assignment
struct S {
	double* data;
	S( S&& other ) noexcept
		: data(std::exchange(, nullptr))
	{ }
    S& operator=( S&& other ) noexcept {
        if (this == &other) return *this;
        delete[] data;
		data = std::exchange(, nullptr);
		return *this;


template <class T> void f(T&& value)


Smart Pointers

  • std::unique_ptr
    • 没有copy语义
    • 比raw pointer无劣势
    • 定制deleter(需要可见)
    • 数组的特化std::unique_ptr<T[]>
    • std::make_unique 要比std::unique_ptr构造要快
  • std::shared_ptr
    • 有count原子计数。有消耗
      • 本身线程安全但是不保证引用的资源是线程安全
    • 定制deleter
    • std::make_shared 要比std::shared_ptr构造要快
    • std::shared_ptr<void>
  • std::weak_ptr
    • 借,生成shared_ptr

使用建议,最好别用share or

  • std::atomic_shared_ptr/std::atomic_weak_ptr -> std::atomic<std::shared_ptr<T>> std::atomic<std::weak_ptr<T>>

C++ Templates

  • c++17引入CTAD 没啥说的

  • using

template<size_t N>
using CharArray = std::array<char, N>;
  • std::array受限于NTTP这种参数难受,不如std::span

  • 变参模板


    • 其他套路
      • tag dispatch
      • if constexpr
    • c++20 用concept代替

Abstract Machines/The Structure of a Program


  • ODR

  • ABI

  • name-mangling

  • 变量存储在哪

    • 注意static和thread_local


    • Nicolai M. Josuttis, C++ Move Semantics: The Complete Guide,
    • C++ Core Guidelines
    • Nicolai Josuttis, “The Hidden Secrets of Move Semantics”, CppCon 2020
    • Nicolai Josuttis, “The Nightmare of Move Semantics for Trivial Classes”, CppCon 2017