
这段代码是研究 folly发现的 源代码在这里

前提: 方法

class Widget {
  void forbidden();


void hijack(Widget& w) {
  w.forbidden();  // ERROR!
  In function 'void hijack(Widget&)':
  error: 'void Widget::forbidden()' is private
  within this context
        |     w.forbidden();




class Calculator {
  float current_val = 0.f;
   void clear_value() { current_val = 0.f; };
   float value() const {
     return current_val;

   void add(float x) { current_val += x; };
   void multiply(float x) { current_val *= x; };

using Operation = void (Calculator::*)(float);
Operation op1 = &Calculator::add;
Operation op2 = &Calculator::multiply;
Calculator calc{};
(calc.*op1)(123.0f); // Calls add
(calc.*op2)(10.0f);  // Calls multiply


class Widget {
  static auto forbidden_fun() {
    return &Widget::forbidden;
  void forbidden();

void hijack(Widget& w) {
  using ForbiddenFun = void (Widget::*)();
  ForbiddenFun const forbidden_fun = Widget::forbidden_fun();

  // Calls a private member function on the Widget
  // instance passed in to the function.



The C++17 standard contains the following paragraph (with the parts of interest to us marked in bold):

17.7.2 (item 12)

The usual access checking rules do not apply to names used to specify explicit instantiations. [Note: In particular, the template arguments and names used in the function declarator (including parameter types, return types and exception specifications) may be private types or objects which would normally not be accessible and the template may be a member template or member function which would not normally be accessible.]

重点 显式实例化

最终方案敲定: 私有成员函数指针做模版的非类型模版参数(NTTP)

// The first template parameter is the type
// signature of the pointer-to-member-function.
// The second template parameter is the pointer
// itself.
template <
  typename ForbiddenFun,
  ForbiddenFun forbidden_fun
struct HijackImpl {
  static void apply(Widget& w) {
    // Calls a private method of Widget

// Explicit instantiation is allowed to refer to
// `Widget::forbidden` in a scope where it's not
// normally permissible.
template struct HijackImpl<

void hijack(Widget& w) {
  HijackImpl<decltype(&Widget::forbidden), &Widget::forbidden>::apply(w);


freind封装一层调用 + 显式实例化

// HijackImpl is the mechanism for injecting the
// private member function pointer into the
// hijack function.
template <
  typename ForbiddenFun,
  ForbiddenFun forbidden_fun
class HijackImpl {
  // Definition of free function inside the class
  // template to give it access to the
  // forbidden_fun template argument.
  // Marking hijack as a friend prevents it from
  // becoming a member function.
  friend void hijack(Widget& w) {
// Declaration in the enclosing namespace to make
// hijack available for name lookup.
void hijack(Widget& w);

// Explicit instantiation of HijackImpl template
// bypasses access controls in the Widget class.
template class


  • 通过显式模版实例化把私有成员函数暴露出来
  • 用成员函数的地址指针作为HijackImpl的模版参数
  • 定义hijack函数在HijackImpl内部,直接用私有成员函数指针做函数调用
  • 通过freind修饰来hijack,这样hijack就可以在外面调用里面的HijackImpl
  • 显式实例化,这样调用就可以了

还有一个最终的问题,实现和实例化都在头文件,在所有的编译单元(translation units, TU)里, 显式实例化只能是一个,否则会报mutiple 链接错误,如何保证?


namespace {
// This is a *different* type in every translation
// unit because of the anonymous namespace.
struct TranslationUnitTag {};

void hijack(Widget& w);

template <
  typename Tag,
  typename ForbiddenFun,
  ForbiddenFun forbidden_fun
class HijackImpl {
  friend void hijack(Widget& w) {

// Every translation unit gets its own unique
// explicit instantiation because of the
// guaranteed-unique tag parameter.
template class HijackImpl<


  • The Power of Hidden Friends in C++’ posted 25 June 2019: https://www.justsoftwaresolutions.co.uk/cplusplus/hidden-friends.html
  • Dan Saks ‘Making New Friends’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POa_V15je8Y ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POa_V15je8Y)
  • Johannes Schaub ‘Access to private members. That’s easy!’,http://bloglitb.blogspot.com/2011/12/access-to-private-members-safer.html
  • Johannes Schaub ‘Access to private members: Safer nastiness’, posted 30 December 2011: http://bloglitb.blogspot.com/2011/12/access-to-private-members-safer.html
  • https://dfrib.github.io/a-foliage-of-folly/ 这个文章更进一步,接下来翻译这个