本文是Abseil库 tip of the week的总结。不是翻译,有些点子还是不错的。

totw #1 string_view

厌烦了const char*到string之间的处理转换?你只是想用一下而已不需要构造一个拷贝?string_view就是为此而生的,它是一个视图,就是一个借用,也是类似go rust胖指针 slice之类的东西。内部有一个指针和一个长度


totw #3 String Concatenation and operator+ vs. StrCat()

简单说,不要用string::operator +() 会有临时变量。absl::StrCat用来解决这个问题

totw #10 Splitting Strings, not Hairs

absl提供了string split相关函数

// Splits on commas. Stores in vector of string_view (no copies).
std::vector<absl::string_view> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');

// Splits on commas. Stores in vector of string (data copied once).
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');

// Splits on literal string "=>" (not either of "=" or ">")
std::vector<absl::string_view> v = absl::StrSplit("a=>b=>c", "=>");

// Splits on any of the given characters (',' or ';')
using absl::ByAnyChar;
std::vector<std::string> v = absl::StrSplit("a,b;c", ByAnyChar(",;"));

// Stores in various containers (also works w/ absl::string_view)
std::set<std::string> s = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
std::multiset<std::string> s = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');
std::list<std::string> li = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');

// Equiv. to the mythical SplitStringViewToDequeOfStringAllowEmpty()
std::deque<std::string> d = absl::StrSplit("a,b,c", ',');

// Yields "a"->"1", "b"->"2", "c"->"3"
std::map<std::string, std::string> m = absl::StrSplit("a,1,b,2,c,3", ',');


totw #11 RVO 返回值优化。返回局部变量不必考虑多余的拷贝构造等。现代编译器默认功能
totw #42: Prefer Factory Functions to Initializer Methods


class Foo {
  // Factory method: creates and returns a Foo.
  // May return null on failure.
  static std::unique_ptr<Foo> Create();

  // Foo is not copyable.
  Foo(const Foo&) = delete;
  Foo& operator=(const Foo&) = delete;

  // Clients can't invoke the constructor directly.

std::unique_ptr<Foo> Foo::Create() {
  // Note that since Foo's constructor is private, we have to use new.
  return absl::WrapUnique(new Foo());


totw #45 不要用全局变量,尤其是库代码


totw #88: Initialization: =, (), and {}


  • 简单的构造逻辑,直接用=初始化基本类型(结合{}),结构体,以及拷贝构造

    int x = 2;
    std::string foo = "Hello World";
    std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3};
    std::unique_ptr<Matrix> matrix = NewMatrix(rows, cols);
    MyStruct x = {true, 5.0};
    MyProto copied_proto = original_proto;
    // Bad code
    int x{2};
    std::string foo{"Hello World"};
    std::vector<int> v{1, 2, 3};
    std::unique_ptr<Matrix> matrix{NewMatrix(rows, cols)};
    MyStruct x{true, 5.0};
    MyProto copied_proto{original_proto};
  • 用传统的构造函数语义()来调用复杂的构造语义

    Frobber frobber(size, &bazzer_to_duplicate);
    std::vector<double> fifty_pies(50, 3.14);
    // Bad code 
    // Could invoke an intializer list constructor, or a two-argument   constructor.
    Frobber frobber{size, &bazzer_to_duplicate};
    // Makes a vector of two doubles.
    std::vector<double> fifty_pies{50, 3.14};
  • {}不用=这种场景, 只用在上面这两种场景不能编译的情况下

    class Foo {
      Foo(int a, int b, int c) : array_{a, b, c} {}
      int array_[5];
      // Requires {}s because the constructor is marked explicit
      // and the type is non-copyable.
      EventManager em{EventManager::Options()};
  • {}auto不要混用

    // Bad code
    auto x{1};
    auto y = {2}; // This is a std::initializer_list<int>!
totw #93: using absl::Span 也就是std::span ,container_view,更好用。也可以理解成flat pointer
totw #117: Copy Elision and Pass-by-value


// First constructor version
explicit Widget(const std::string& name) : name_(name) {}

// Second constructor version
explicit Widget(std::string name) : name_(std::move(name)) {}
totw #120: Return Values are Untouchable
MyStatus DoSomething() {
  MyStatus status;
  auto log_on_error = RunWhenOutOfScope([&status] {
    if (!status.ok()) LOG(ERROR) << status;
  status = DoA();
  if (!status.ok()) return status;
  status = DoB();
  if (!status.ok()) return status;
  status = DoC();
  if (!status.ok()) return status;
  return status;

这段代码是有问题的,lambda中访问的status是在return执行完之后才会析构访问的,但是鉴于返回值优化,return没有执行,勉强正确,如果最后一行换成return MyStatus(); 这个lambda将永远错误的status,行为是未定义的 ,可能是错误的逻辑


totw #123: absl::optional and std::unique_ptr


  Bar absl::optional<Bar> std::unique_ptr<Bar>
Supports delayed construction  
Always safe to access    
Can transfer ownership of Bar    
Can store subclasses of Bar    
Movable If Bar is movable If Bar is movable
Copyable If Bar is copyable If Bar is copyable  
Friendly to CPU caches  
No heap allocation overhead  
Memory usage sizeof(Bar) sizeof(Bar) + sizeof(bool)2 sizeof(Bar*) when null, sizeof(Bar*) + sizeof(Bar) otherwise
Object lifetime Same as enclosing scope Restricted to enclosing scope Unrestricted
Call f(Bar*) f(&val_) f(&opt_.value()) or f(&*opt_) f(ptr_.get()) or f(&*ptr_)
Remove value N/A opt_.reset(); or opt_ = absl::nullopt; ptr_.reset(); or ptr_ = nullptr;
totw#126: make_unique is the new new
How Should We Choose Which to Use?
  1. By default, use absl::make_unique() (or std::make_shared() for the rare cases where shared ownership is appropriate) for dynamic allocation. For example, instead of: std::unique_ptr<T> bar(new T()); write auto bar = absl::make_unique<T>(); and instead of bar.reset(new T()); write bar = absl::make_unique<T>();
  2. In a factory function that uses a non-public constructor, return a std::unique_ptr<T> and use absl::WrapUnique(new T(...)) in the implementation.
  3. When dynamically allocating an object that requires brace initialization (typically a struct, an array, or a container), use absl::WrapUnique(new T{...}).
  4. When calling a legacy API that accepts ownership via a T*, either allocate the object in advance with absl::make_unique and call ptr.release() in the call, or use new directly in the function argument.
  5. When calling a legacy API that returns ownership via a T*, immediately construct a smart pointer with WrapUnique (unless you’re immediately passing the pointer to another legacy API that accepts ownership via a T*).

Prefer absl::make_unique() over absl::WrapUnique(), and prefer absl::WrapUnique() over raw new.

totw #131: Special Member Functions and = default

Prefer =default over writing an equivalent implementation by hand, even if that implementation is just {}

totw#134: make_unique and private constructors

和42条一样场景,make_unique不能直接创建private 构造函数,几个办法


totw #141: Beware Implicit Conversions to bool

bool转换的问题。属于老生常谈了。特定类型就需要实现safe bool,一般类型用option<T>包装一层 absl::optional<T>::has_value()判断

Tote #144 : Heterogeneous Lookup in Associative Containers


struct StringCmp {
  using is_transparent = void;
  bool operator()(absl::string_view a, absl::string_view b) const {
    return a < b;

std::map<std::string, int, StringCmp> m = ...;
absl::string_view some_key = ...;
// The comparator `StringCmp` will accept any type that is implicitly
// convertible to `absl::string_view` and says so by declaring the
// `is_transparent` tag.
// We can pass `some_key` to `find()` without converting it first to
// `std::string`. In this case, that avoids the unnecessary memory allocation
// required to construct the `std::string` instance.
auto it = m.find(some_key);



struct ThreadCmp {
  using is_transparent = void;
  // Regular overload.
  bool operator()(const std::thread& a, const std::thread& b) const {
    return a.get_id() < b.get_id();
  // Transparent overloads
  bool operator()(const std::thread& a, std::thread::id b) const {
    return a.get_id() < b;
  bool operator()(std::thread::id a, const std::thread& b) const {
    return a < b.get_id();
  bool operator()(std::thread::id a, std::thread::id b) const {
    return a < b;

std::set<std::thread, ThreadCmp> threads = ...;
// Can't construct an instance of `std::thread` with the same id, just to do the lookup.
// But we can look up by id instead.
std::thread::id id = ...;
auto it = threads.find(id);
totw #149 Object Lifetimes vs. =delete


=delete for Lifetimes


class Request {

  // The provided Context must live as long as the current Request.
  void SetContext(const Context& context);
  void SetContext(Context&& context) = delete;


error: call to deleted function 'SetContext'


<source>:4:6: note: candidate function has been explicitly deleted

void SetContext(Context&& context) = delete;




=delete for “Optimization”


这样做实际上是复杂化了,totw不建议使用,keep it simple

Tip of the Week #152 : AbslHashValue and You


struct Song {
  std::string name;
  std::string artist;
  absl::Duration duration;

  template <typename H>
  friend H AbslHashValue(H h, const Song& s) {
    return H::combine(std::move(h), s.name, s.artist, s.duration);

  // operator == and != omitted for brevity.

Tip of the Week #161: Good Locals and Bad Locals


auto& subsubmessage = *myproto.mutable_submessage()->mutable_subsubmessage();


MyType value = SomeExpression(args);
return value;

Tip of the Week #171: Avoid Sentinel Values


Tip of the Week #173: Wrapping Arguments in Option Structs


Tip of the Week #175: Changes to Literal Constants in C++14 and C++17.


以及chrono的ms min

Tip of the Week #176: Prefer Return Values to Output Parameters


Tip of the Week #181: Accessing the value of a StatusOr<T>

就是rocksdb status那种东西

// The same pattern used when handling a unique_ptr...
std::unique_ptr<Foo> foo = TryAllocateFoo();
if (foo != nullptr) {
  foo->DoBar();  // use the value object

// ...or an optional value...
absl::optional<Foo> foo = MaybeFindFoo();
if (foo.has_value()) {

// ...is also ideal for handling a StatusOr.
absl::StatusOr<Foo> foo = TryCreateFoo();
if (foo.ok()) {


此外,abseil还支持解析参数,支持gflags,可以说是把gflags迁移到这个库了,header only更友好一些


  1. https://abseil.io/tips/