
第三个链接,提供了一个check list

If it is slow, there are a number of possible reasons why that is the case, but the most common for a system that is not busy are:

  1. Source Disk I/O - if the data is not in active memory when it is read, it must be paged in from disk
  2. Network - if there is latency, rate limiting, packet loss etc. then the read may take quite a while
  3. Target Disk I/O - the data and indexes have to be written to disk, lots of indexes can make this worse, but usually this is not a problem on a lightly loaded system
  4. Problems with migrations causing aborts and failed migrations (issues with config servers, issues with deletes on primaries)
  5. Replication lag - for migrations to replica sets, write concern w:2 or w:majority is used by default and requires up to date secondaries to satisfy it.


考虑movechunk的流程,先打快照,把当前备份复制过去,然后再复制增量 如果这个增量没完没了的话,迁移时间必然会延长,有点像第五条的场景,第五条应该就是oplog赶不上了

再考虑oplog一直增长的情形 -> 插入。如果是顺序插入应该很快。如果是删除之类的操作可能会耗时过长,但是也不至于很慢, 再考虑什么会导致插入过慢 -> 索引过多,引用我老大的一句话,“索引过多导致插入变慢是数据库常识”,只要有索引,以前索引优化以及影响的那套理论还是成立的。